Yixia, 63

Jilin, Jilin, China

Hi there, Yixia , 63 years old. I'm coming from Jilin. I am here looking for Something fun and casual. For more information, please check my profile below. If you think I am the one sharing the same ideas as you do, feel free to let me know.

Yixia, China By Yixia from China


Profile Info

Yixia, China My Personal Information
Member ID
Date of birth:
Apr 4, 1961
162 cm
50 kg
Jilin, Jilin, China
Yixia, China My Signature

I'm a good woman waiting for love .are you ready to give me your love ?

Yixia, China Self Introduction

When i am 53, i make big decision to find a foreign husband. So, i am learning English and Computer very hard, because i hope to communicate well with my future husband when we meet in real. Having been stayed in China for more than 50 years, experienced marriage, divorce. Being single and being lonely were always with me. I thought i would be satisfied to be a happy mom to see son married, would be a happy grandmom to see grandson grow up. But when my sister in law who married American told me foreigners were more gentle,considerate, romantic, knows how to treat long for love drew!! My son is 30, he accompanies me all these years, and we have very good relationship with each other. But i know, one day, he will have his own life. He encourages me to find my love, so, i am here with hope. I am family oriented, i love houseworks, i love cookings as well, i love the family time. If i meet my love, i will love you heart and soul, because the right one we can find it's limited, so, true love is longed by people, i only want to cherish.

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