Belen, 32

Salta, Salta, Argentina

Hi there, Belen , 32 years old. I'm coming from Salta. I am here looking for Something nice and easy,Something fun and casual,Something surprising,Something fun and casual,Something promising. For more information, please check my profile below. If you think I am the one sharing the same ideas as you do, feel free to let me know.

Belen, Argentina By Belen from Argentina


Profile Info

Belen, Argentina My Personal Information
Member ID
Date of birth:
Apr 21, 1992
170 cm
58 kg
Salta, Salta, Argentina
Belen, Argentina My Signature

It is very difficult for me to describe myself, but I will try to tell the main thing about me. I am a kind, sincere and decent girl. I was born and grew up in a village.

Belen, Argentina Self Introduction

My grandmother brought me up all my childhood. She instilled in me the values of family and work. I am a hard worker and I am not afraid of difficulties. I go through life with a smile, although sometimes I find it very difficult. If you are interested in my profile, give me a sign. I will be happy to tell you more about myself and get to know you.

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Belen , 32

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