Yulia, 53

Saint Petersburg, Leningrad Oblast, Russian

Hi there, Yulia , 53 years old. I'm coming from Saint Petersburg. I am here looking for something romantic. For more information, please check my profile below. If you think I am the one sharing the same ideas as you do, feel free to let me know.

Yulia, Russian By Yulia from Russian


Profile Info

Yulia, Russian My Personal Information
Member ID
Date of birth:
Jan 26, 1971
169 cm
56 kg
Saint Petersburg, Leningrad Oblast, Russian
Yulia, Russian My Signature

Love people and know how to be real friends.

Yulia, Russian Self Introduction

I have a light and positive character.I love people and know how to be real friends. I love learning languages (I study English, Spanish and French), theatre and cinema, different sports, especially swimming and gym. I would like to meet a kind and caring man, with a light character, but with real and serious goals.I am ready for serious steps, I am ready to change my life, but I want to be sure that my chosen one deserves it.

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