Jing, 60

Beihai, Guangxi, China

Hi there, Jing , 60 years old. I'm coming from Beihai. I am here looking for Something promising. For more information, please check my profile below. If you think I am the one sharing the same ideas as you do, feel free to let me know.

Jing, China By Jing from China


Profile Info

Jing, China My Personal Information
Member ID
Date of birth:
Sep 13, 1964
162 cm
55 kg
Beihai, Guangxi, China
Jing, China My Signature

I am here like most find my soulmate and true love . I want to meet someone that want to spend rest of my life with and someone who would like to meet me in person . I want a real and serious relationship instead of playing games here . I have no time for games.

Jing, China Self Introduction

I was well-educated , I have been working as a senior accountant over 30 years ,I will be retired in the end of this year and will get a good pension . I have a daughter whom I am always proud of . She will be graduated from university very soon and she will work in Macao ,she can speak very fluent English . I like traveling very much in my free time and I also like gardening ,cooking ,dancing . I am very out-going and very easy-going , and I love to help others and love to make people laugh . I will be willing to relocate , please drop me a line after reading my profile . Thank you .

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Jing , 60

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