Lily, 25

Hanoi, Hanoi, Vietnam

Hi there, Lily , 25 years old. I'm coming from Hanoi. I am here looking for Something surprising,Something nice and easy. For more information, please check my profile below. If you think I am the one sharing the same ideas as you do, feel free to let me know.

Lily, Vietnam By Lily from Vietnam


Profile Info

Lily, Vietnam My Personal Information
Member ID
Date of birth:
Mar 11, 1999
167 cm
52 kg
Hanoi, Hanoi, Vietnam
Lily, Vietnam My Signature

I am looking for a man of my dream! I desire to find someone I really want to be with, someone who will care about me, love me and be the only mine. I want someone who wants me only! I want someone who will be happy to support me, care about me and believe in me! You will receive the same in return

Lily, Vietnam Self Introduction

To be honest, I am a sweet and pretty lady who can make any man feel happy! Do you believe me? I hope you do! I am a special woman! I am the one you need because I am very smart passionate and devoted! I will never lie and will never betray! Once I meet my man I will never let him go! Right now, I have a special desire to have someone I can care about, someone I will be happy with. That's why I am here and I am looking for you!

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Lily , 25

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