Rose, 60

Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

Hi there, Rose , 60 years old. I'm coming from Shenzhen. I am here looking for Something surprising. For more information, please check my profile below. If you think I am the one sharing the same ideas as you do, feel free to let me know.

Rose, China By Rose from China


Profile Info

Rose, China My Personal Information
Member ID
Date of birth:
Jan 14, 1964
168 cm
56 kg
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Rose, China My Signature

Now if i can find my life partner in crazy love, I will end my job in 3 months too. ha... You can tell I really wanna have my own family. I donot care about the looking, house, money. To be honest, I just want to find LOVE and wanna find a REAL LOVER. I wanna taste how to LOVE someone and BE LOVED. I wanna be happy. Do you wanna be Happy with me? I am a very kind, smart, funny, cute, sweet, confident happy Lady. I look so much younger than my age.

Rose, China Self Introduction

I am very satisfy with my position in my company.I wanna be success in my future family "career". Yes, it is just an idea which seems come into my mind suddenly, but I know, I really hope to meet a nice simple man to build a new family and end my lonely life now. Wish you have the My biggest interest is travelling and I usually go traveling four times per year. I have been many countries of the world. I enjoyed Euro and New zealand a lot. My plan for the future I wish I can go to USA, Australia, England and so on. I like to learn the local culture. And I can read and listen English, but speaking is not very good, I am still shy to make mistakes, are you a patient teacher?

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Rose , 60

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