Violen, 24

vinh long, vinh long, Vietnam

Hi there, Violen , 24 years old. I'm coming from vinh long. I am here looking for Something promising,Something nice and easy,Something fun and casual. For more information, please check my profile below. If you think I am the one sharing the same ideas as you do, feel free to let me know.

Violen, Vietnam By Violen from Vietnam


Profile Info

Violen, Vietnam My Personal Information
Member ID
Date of birth:
Aug 9, 2000
167 cm
50 kg
vinh long, vinh long, Vietnam
Violen, Vietnam My Signature

I am kind, romantic, tender, attentive, honest woman with a good sence of humor. I am ready to start long, serious relationship with a good, reliable man.for now in my life, i only lack of a loving partner. to accompany each other, to enjoy love and passion together.

Violen, Vietnam Self Introduction

I am a positive and easy-going young woman who tries to stay feminine and tender, but can be strong if it is needed. I am a good listener and I like to have interesting honest conversations. I am active and I like to try new things and to enjoy every day of my life. I am a very romantic lady who has piece in her soul and who wants to share this world with some special man. I believe in love and I want to give all of me to my soul mate. I am a giving and family-oriented woman. I love to develop myself in different areas and I would like to grow together with my man.

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Violen , 24

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