Ann, 30

Ho Chi Minh City, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Hi there, Ann , 30 years old. I'm coming from Ho Chi Minh City. I am here looking for Something nice and easy. For more information, please check my profile below. If you think I am the one sharing the same ideas as you do, feel free to let me know.

Ann, Vietnam By Ann from Vietnam


Profile Info

Ann, Vietnam My Personal Information
Member ID
Date of birth:
Feb 4, 1994
165 cm
48 kg
Ho Chi Minh City, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Ann, Vietnam My Signature

I am looking for my lifepartner, my best friend, be my husband, let me belong to you. i will never make you feel disappointed. i am curious about how will you take care and spoil your woman?

Ann, Vietnam Self Introduction

Hi everyone! I am new here! Nice to meet you all here! And best wishes for all you guys for the new year! I work for a clothing company as a manager, and have a part-time job as a model! I consider myself as a passionate and optimistic girl, so when I meet any problem in life, I know it's definitely not easy to get through but I always think there much be a way for it! Besides that, I am also a caring, loving, and considerate girl. I am actually a family oridented girl who consider love is the most important thing in the world! When I love, I love deeply...So I am looking for the one who can just love me truely without asking for too much from him! So, are you the"one" my dear?

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Ann , 30

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