Anastasia, 22

Novomoskovsk, Tulskaya Oblast, Russian

Hi there, Anastasia , 22 years old. I'm coming from Novomoskovsk. I am here looking for Something fun and casual,Something surprising,Something nice and easy. For more information, please check my profile below. If you think I am the one sharing the same ideas as you do, feel free to let me know.

Anastasia, Russian By Anastasia from Russian


Profile Info

Anastasia, Russian My Personal Information
Member ID
Date of birth:
Mar 13, 2002
165 cm
55 kg
Novomoskovsk, Tulskaya Oblast, Russian
Anastasia, Russian My Signature

I am looking for a sweet man who can let me feel secure, i want to have a reliable man to always support me to do what i want to do. and always take care of me

Anastasia, Russian Self Introduction

I am an energetic, sweet and romantic woman, i like outdoors,i want to enjoy every moment in life, i love smile and always be positive to face life.

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Anastasia , 22

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