Jekaterina, 42

Tallinn, Harjumaa, Estonia

Hi there, Jekaterina , 42 years old. I'm coming from Tallinn. I am here looking for Something fun and casual,Something nice and easy,Something fun and casual,Something promising. For more information, please check my profile below. If you think I am the one sharing the same ideas as you do, feel free to let me know.

Jekaterina, Estonia By Jekaterina from Estonia


Profile Info

Jekaterina, Estonia My Personal Information
Member ID
Date of birth:
May 27, 1982
170 cm
60 kg
Tallinn, Harjumaa, Estonia
Jekaterina, Estonia My Signature

I am a very feminine woman. Also, I like to pay attention on details, even on some, that no-one can see. There are a lot of things that brings me pleasure, fast driving is one of them

Jekaterina, Estonia Self Introduction

Lady who smells of happiness. Maybe you know this smell or would you like to know it with me? I would give you a hint that this is a sweet smell with hints of spices) because relationships are not always just a lull, sometimes it can also be a storm of emotions and feelings that you need to be able to control. I would like to make your life around me sweeter and not only in terms of taste buds Maybe you want to look at my photos and suddenly you have some kind of spark inside you and you want to give us a chance) Since I am open for dating and I would like to know who you are.

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Jekaterina , 42

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