Mary, 65

Nan'an, Chongqing, China

Hi there, Mary , 65 years old. I'm coming from Nan'an. I am here looking for Something surprising. For more information, please check my profile below. If you think I am the one sharing the same ideas as you do, feel free to let me know.

Mary, China By Mary from China


Profile Info

Mary, China My Personal Information
Member ID
Date of birth:
Sep 4, 1959
163 cm
50 kg
Nan'an, Chongqing, China
Mary, China My Signature

This is Mary.

Mary, China Self Introduction

Such a typical eastern woman who has the unique qualities of south laday ,it’s me ,generioous and warm, popular and hospitality . From my outlook, I am a sucessful woman in theprofession,strong and stable . It is said that even the woman is the most successful one, she also has the aspect of tenderness. I do ,I am tender woman. I never bring my work to my home . I would like to take care of my family with the special care and consideration .,especia to my beloved one . Except my work, I have many hobbies. I love listening music and singing . I have deep belief ,the appearance could not last forever than the inner soul of a person . So I often read , to improve my spirit ,make my life colorful . Meanwhile, I feel very lonely . I want to seek for my soulmate though this platform . I want to bring the sunshine and happiness to you . It is known that music without borders, so I think true love must without borders . If the two hearts can think about each other ,sincerely love each other, even the high mountains and the broad seas, we can overcome,right ? I am here sincerely waiting for you , holding my hand ,go toward happiness of tomorrow together …

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Mary , 65

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